Helping Members Reduce Costs, Improve Quality of Care Using Gainsharing.
The pressures of health care reform affect every facet of hospital operations. Today more than ever, with continued pressure to reduce payments, hospitals seek cost reduction solutions while maintaining quality of care and professional staff relationships. Gainsharing is the tool that brings doctors and hospitals together at the table, and enables providers to manage costs efficiently and collectively by aligning incentives with the medical staff — a key element in successfully securing physician engagement. Hospital associations have played a key role in the development of the gainsharing methodology, in securing regulatory approval, in implementing the AMS PBIS®, and in providing this tool to their members.
AMS is a national leader in linking health care data and analytics. The AMS Gainsharing Program, powered by its proprietary methodology AMS PBIS®, is an all-inclusive system of targeted, highly defined financial incentives — covering all inpatient cases and costs.
Ten years of AMS experience shows that the hospital, its administration, physicians and staff, are best positioned to identify and prioritize the issues that affect each institution, and to follow-through on implementation. Through the role of facilitator / convener, Associations have brought to their memberships a framework that encourages physicians and hospitals to collaborate on issues of quality and cost. AMS PBIS® guides and supports that collaboration.
Current Association clients find the AMS Gainsharing Program allows them to provide a service their members need and want. AMS works with the Association to provide this valuable tool.
AMS Gainsharing. Proven Business Model. Measurable Results.
It is practical to implement. The AMS Gainsharing Program stands alone or can be integrated into other hospital quality improvement initiatives and physician alignment strategies. It has demonstrated the potential to support significant, positive change across all inpatient cases. AMS acts as an independent scorekeeper. This role is important for satisfying legal and regulatory concerns. We found it adds to hospital credibility in working with physicians. The AMS Gainsharing Program allows hospitals to implement strategic and operational initiatives aligning hospital and physician incentives — ultimately driving performance improvements.
AMS’ ability to integrate with hospital programs to maintain or improve quality of care while reducing costs distinguishes it from alternatives.
AMS PBIS®. The Leading Methodology Driving Performance Improvement. Developed by Industry Leaders.
AMS PBIS®, the core of the AMS Gainsharing Program, provides a comprehensive gainsharing methodology. Approved by CMS in large scale Medicare Bundled Payment for Care Improvement (BPCI) initiatives, specifically Model 1, it is also the solution used in commercial gainsharing and quality improvement programs.
AMS PBIS® provides rewards for efficient performance and for improvement through its bonus-only plan. It represents over a decade of product development. It is designed and led by a team of industry experts soliciting input and directly addressing issues presented by three parties: regulators, physicians and hospitals.