At the April 2016 annual meeting of Widener University’s Alumni Association for its Graduate Program in Healthcare Management (Chester, PA), AMS President Jo Surpin presented how payment approaches changed since the formation of DRGs in New Jersey in the early Read More
AHA Trustee Magazine “Two Paths to Savings” includes Gainsharing and Shared Savings
In the March 2015 edition of the American Hospital Association’s Trustee magazine, AMS VP Anthony Stanowski and I authored “Two Paths to Savings”. The article reviews the relationship between shared savings programs (ACOs, Bundled Payment Programs, and Patient Centered Medical Homes) and gainsharing programs. Four basic questions that trustees and hospital executives wrestle are examined:
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Lessons Learned from a Hospital-Physician Gainsharing Program
This month, hfm Magazine explores “Lessons Learned from a Hospital-Physician Gainsharing Program, examining the experiences of the New Jersey Hospital Association, the Greater New York Hospital Association, and their member hospitals. NJHA’s SVP Sean Hopkins, AMS VP Anthony Stanowski, and I discuss the leadership lessons learned using the 8-step process for leading change advanced in the seminal 1996 book, Leading Change by Dr. John Kotter, Emeritus Professor of Harvard Business School.
By documenting the key lessons learned from the associations that administered gainsharing programs and the hospitals that implemented them, we hope that this article provides guidance to health care providers not just in implementing gainsharing programs, but also as they undergo the change management process for other forms of alternative payment systems.
Quality Metrics: 7 Guidelines For Deciding What to Measure
So your organization is implementing a gainsharing strategy and you have been selected to oversee the program. Gainsharing can be a stand-alone program or be an integral part of other initiatives, such as ACOs and Bundled Payments. Identifying the common elements to all these initiatives is critical – especially if you Read More
Breaking Down Internal Silos
As hospitals initiate new strategies to transition from fee-for- service to population health, many times the programs are established in a vacuum. Managers in one are unaware of what the managers of another are working on – sound familiar. That age old problem of “silo mentality”. This may be due to a number of
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